

Neuroma services offered in Redding, CA

Though anyone can develop a painful neuroma, women are 8-10 times more likely to suffer from Morton’s neuroma, a problem that’s attributed to wearing shoes with high heels and pointed toes. Susan Yeager, DPM, and the skilled team at Yeager Foot and Ankle Center in Redding, California, encourage you to get treatment at the earliest sign of pain to prevent permanent nerve damage. To schedule an appointment, call the office or request an appointment online today.

Neuroma Q&A

What is a neuroma?

A neuroma is an enlarged, noncancerous growth of nerves. Though a neuroma can affect any nerve and appear in many locations in your foot, it most often occurs when the nerve between your third and fourth toes thickens; a condition called Morton’s neuroma.

Morton’s neuroma is also called an intermetatarsal neuroma, which describes its location in the ball of your foot between the third and fourth metatarsal bones. When a neuroma goes untreated, the nerve can become permanently damaged.

What causes a neuroma?

Neuromas develop when the nerve is compressed or irritated by conditions such as:

  • Shoes that are too tight, tapered, or high-heeled
  • Bunions or hammertoes
  • Repetitive activities such as running
  • Injury or trauma that damages the nerve
  • High-arched foot or flatfoot

Of all the causes of a neuroma, the most common is ill-fitting footwear.

What symptoms develop due to neuroma?

When a neuroma begins to form, you’ll have mild symptoms, and, in most cases, you’ll feel better after removing your shoes. Some patients say it feels like there’s a lump in their shoe.

The primary symptom for most patients is pain in the ball of their foot or between the toes in the front of the foot. However, you may experience a burning pain that radiates from the ball of the foot to your toes. Nerve compression can also cause numbness or tingling.

Without treatment, neuromas get progressively worse. As a result, your pain will last longer and become more severe.

What’s the treatment for neuroma?

Early treatment is important to prevent permanent nerve damage. At Yeager Foot and Ankle Center, the treatment you receive depends on the stage and severity of your neuroma, but it begins with conservative therapies to relieve the pressure, pain, and swelling, such as:

  • Padding or custom orthotics
  • Activity modification
  • Shoe modifications
  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Cortisone injections

You may need to temporarily stop engaging in repetitive activities that put pressure on the nerve. Choosing shoes with a wider toe box and low heels can also help relieve your neuroma.

If your neuroma doesn’t improve with conservative treatments, Dr. Yeager may talk with you about surgery. She explains your surgery options and recommends the one that’s best for your condition.

Don’t wait for a neuroma to get worse; call Yeager Foot and Ankle Center or request an appointment online today.